Why Do Cats Meow When You Sneeze? Here’s Why

Cats will often meow to communicate with humans because they know that it is a sound that we understand. In this article, I will explain Why Do Cats Meow When You Sneeze and how you can respond to your kitty when he does it.

Why Do Cats Meow When You Sneeze?

Do you ever wonder why your cat meows when you sneeze? It’s actually a pretty common behaviour among cats, and there are a few different theories as to why they do it.

One theory is that cats see sneezing as a sign of weakness and they want to show their support by meowing. Another possibility is that they think you’re making a weird noise and they’re trying to figure out what’s going on. It could also be that they’re just curious about the noise and want to investigate.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that cats see sneezing as something unusual and worth paying attention to. So next time your cat meows when you sneeze, don’t be too surprised – they’re just being their usual curious selves!

The 7 Reasons

Here are seven possible explanations for why cats meow when you sneeze:

Seven possible explanations for why cats meow when you sneeze
Seven possible explanations for why cats meow when you sneeze

1. It’s a sign of affection

Cats love their humans, and some think that meowing when you sneeze is their way of showing they care. They may be trying to tell you that they’re happy to see you or that they’re glad you’re feeling better.

2. It’s a way of asking for attention

Meowing can also be a cat’s way of asking for attention. If your cat meows when you sneeze, they may be trying to get your attention so you’ll pet them or give them some food.

3. It could be a form of communication

Some experts believe that cats meow when we sneeze as a form of communication. They may be trying to tell us something like they’re hungry or want to go outside.

4. It could be a sign of excitement

Cats are known for being curious creatures, and they may meow when we sneeze out of excitement. They may want to know what’s going on or be eager to investigate the noise.

5. It might be an instinctive reaction

Sneezing is a loud noise, and it may startle your cat. Their meowing could be an instinctive reaction to the noise, similar to how they might meow when they hear a loud noise outside.

6. It might just be a quirk

Some cats may meow when we sneeze simply because it’s something they do. It’s possible that your cat has always meowed when you sneeze and it’s just a quirk or habit.

7. They’re curious

Cats are curious creatures, so it’s not surprising if they’re curious about the noise you’re making when you sneeze.


So, there you have it! The next time your cat meows when you sneeze, you’ll know that they’re just trying to tell you they love you. Cats are such interesting creatures and we still have so much to learn about them. Do you have any other theories about why cats meow when you sneeze? Let us know in the comments below!

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