10 Possible Reasons Why Do Cats Sleep When It Rains?

Have you ever seen your cat sleep when it rains? What’s the reason behind their behaviour? This article will look into some of the possible reasons why cats sleep during rainstorms.


It’s a common saying that when it rains, cats sleep. But have you ever wondered why this is? There are a few possible reasons for why cats sleep when it rains.

One possibility is that cats are trying to conserve energy. When it rains, the weather is usually cooler than it is during other times of the year. This means that cats may not need to expend as much energy to keep warm. Sleeping is a way for cats to conserve energy and stay warm.

Another possibility is that the sound of rain helps cats relax. The sound of rain can be soothing and help cats fall asleep. Cats may also associate the sound of rain with being indoors and feeling safe.

Finally, it’s possible that the change in barometric pressure that comes with a rainstorm affects cats’ sleep patterns. Changes in barometric pressure can cause headaches in some people, and it’s possible that it has a similar effect on cats.

So, there are a few possible reasons why cats sleep when it rains. It could be because they’re trying to conserve energy because the sound of rain helps them relax, or because of the change in barometric pressure.

Reason 1: Cats don’t want to get wet

Cats don’t want to get wet
Cats don’t want to get wet

One of the possible reasons why cats sleep when it rains is that they don’t want to get wet. Cats are known for their cleanliness and they prefer to stay dry and clean.

When it rains, cats usually look for a place where they can stay dry and warm. This is why you might see your cat sleeping in a sunny spot on a rainy day.

Reason 2: The smell of rain is calming

The smell of rain is one of the most calming scents there is. And it turns out, cats love it too!

When it rains, the air is filled with negative ions. These ions are known to have a calming effect on humans and animals alike. So it’s no wonder that your kitty wants to curl up and take a nap when it’s raining outside!

In addition, the sound of rain can also be soothing for cats. If your cat is feeling stressed or anxious, the sound of rain can help to calm them down.

Reason 3: The darkness of the rain causes sleepiness in some animals

The darkness of the rain can cause sleepiness in some animals, including cats. Cats are most likely to be active at dawn and dusk, so the darkness of the rain may make them feel sleepy. Additionally, the sound of the rain can be soothing and help cats relax.

Reason 4: Cats are sensitive to changes in barometric pressure

Cats are very sensitive to changes in barometric pressure, which is why they tend to sleep more when it rains. When the barometric pressure decreases, it signals to the cat’s body that there is a chance of incoming bad weather. This can cause the cat to feel anxious and stressed, so they will often sleep more in an attempt to cope with the change.

Reason 5: Cats hate thunderstorms, but love the sound of a gentle rainstorm.

One of the most popular theories for why cats sleep when it rains is that they simply enjoy the sound of the rain. Cats are known to be very fond of gentle, soothing sounds, and the rain falling on the ground or against windowpanes can be incredibly calming for them. In fact, many people believe that this is one of the reasons why so many cats enjoy being petted – the rhythmic movement and pressure against their fur can mimic the sensation of rainfall.

Another possibility is that cats associate rainfall with positive experiences from their past. For example, if your cat always seems to sleep more on rainy days, it could be because they remember being fed more often when it was raining when they were younger. Cats are creatures of habit, so it makes sense that they would seek out activities that remind them of happy times in their lives.


Whatever the reason may be, there’s no doubt that cats enjoy taking a nap when it’s raining outside. So if you see your cat snoozing away on a rainy day, don’t disturb them – they’re just enjoying the peaceful sound of the raindrops falling all around them.

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