How To Keep Cat From Going Behind Washer And Dryer?

Cats are curious creatures and they often like to explore and hide in small, confined spaces. Unfortunately, the area behind a washing machine and dryer can be a dangerous place for a cat, as there are electrical cords and other hazards that could harm your pet.

How To Keep Cat From Going Behind Washer And Dryer?

Here are a few tips to help keep your cat from going behind your washer and dryer:

1. Close off the area

If your washer and dryer are located in a room or closet, consider closing the door or using a baby gate to block off the area. This will physically prevent your cat from being able to access the space.

2. Use deterrents

If your cat is attracted to the area behind your washer and dryer, you may want to try using deterrents to discourage them from going there. One option is to place double-sided tape or aluminum foil on the floor near the area, as these materials can be unpleasant for cats to walk on. You can also try using a motion-activated air canister or a loud noise-making device to startle your cat if they get too close to the area.

3. Provide alternative hiding spots

Cats often like to hide in small, enclosed spaces as a way to feel safe and secure. If your cat is attracted to the area behind your washer and dryer because they like the feeling of being hidden, consider providing them with alternative hiding spots around your home. For example, you could set up a small, enclosed bed or crate in a quiet corner of a room.

4. Keep the area clean and clutter-free

Cats may be attracted to the area behind your washer and dryer if it’s cluttered or dirty, as they may see it as a good place to hide or play. Make sure to keep the area clean and free of clutter to discourage your cat from going there.

5. Reward good behavior

If you catch your cat behaving well and staying away from the area behind your washer and dryer, be sure to reward them with treats, praise, and affection. This can help reinforce the behavior you want to see and encourage your cat to continue avoiding the area.


If you follow these tips, you can help keep your cat safe and prevent them from going behind your washer and dryer. As always, it’s important to regularly check the area to make sure it’s safe and free of hazards and to keep a close eye on your cat to ensure they’re not getting into any trouble.

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