Why Do Cats Meow When You Pet Them? 7 Reasons

Have you ever wondered Why Do Cats Meow When You Pet Them? Do they crave attention or are they in pain? Cats will meow for many reasons. Here are 7 of the most common reasons that a cat might meow:

Does a Cat Meow to Show Ownership?

One reason why cats might meow when you pet them is to show ownership. When a cat rubs against you or meows while you’re petting them, it might be claiming you as its own. This behaviour is often seen in house cats who have been spayed or neutered. They might do this to mark their territory and make sure other cats know that you belong to them.

Another reason why cats might meow when you pet them is that they’re enjoying it. Much like how we purr when we’re content, cats will sometimes meow when they’re being petted because they’re happy and comfortable. If your cat is purring or kneading while you’re petting them, it’s a good sign that they’re enjoying it.

The 7 Reasons Why Do Cats Meow When You Pet Them?

In general, cats meow when they want attention or they need something. By understanding your cat’s meows, you can better provide for their needs and create a stronger bond with them.

Why Do Cats Meow When You Pet Them?

Cats meow when you pet them for a variety of reasons. Like, maybe they are trying to create a bond with you. Cats also use meowing as a way to communicate their needs. Here are the 7 reasons Why Do Cats Meow When You Pet Them?

The 7 Reasons Why Do Cats Meow When You Pet Them
The 7 Reasons Why Do Cats Meow When You Pet Them

1. It feels good

When you pet your cat, it releases endorphins which make them feel good. This is why they often purr and Meow when they are being petted.

2. They want attention

Cats are social creatures and they crave attention from their humans. If you stop petting them, they may meow to let you know that they want more affection.

3. They are trying to tell you something

If you can’t figure out why your cat is meowing, they may be trying to tell you something. Pay attention to their body language and see if you can figure out what they need.

4. They are hungry

A lot of times, cats will meow when they are hungry. If you notice that your cat is meowing more than normal, try feeding them a little bit more food or some treats.

5. They are in pain

If your cat is meowing more than usual, it could be a sign that they are in pain. If this is the case, you should take them to the vet to get checked out.

6. They need to go to the bathroom

Sometimes, cats will meow when they need to use the litter box. If you notice that your cat is meowing and then going into the litter box, they probably just need to relieve themselves.

7. They are thirsty

Just like humans, cats need to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. If your cat is meowing more than usual, give them some fresh water to drink and see if that helps.


Why do cats meow when you pet them? It’s a question that has baffled cat owners for years. While there are a number of theories, the most likely explanation is that it is simply a sign of affection. Cats are social creatures and enjoy being around their humans. When you pet them, it is a way of showing them love and attention. So next time your cat meows when you pet them, just know that they are trying to tell you how much they appreciate your affection.

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