Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them? 5 Reasons Your Cat Is Meowing

Cats may meow for a variety of reasons, so it is important to understand Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them and what you can do to make them stop. Whether or not your cat meows when you hold them, read on to learn how cats communicate in various ways.

Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them?

There are a few reasons why your cat may meow when you hold them. One reason may be that they’re trying to get your attention. Cats often meow when they want something, such as food or water. If you’re holding your cat and they start meowing, it’s possible that they’re just trying to let you know that they’re thirsty or hungry.

Another reason why cats meow when you hold them is that they’re feeling stressed or anxious. If your cat is new to being held, it may meow because they’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. Cats also tend to meow more when they’re in a new or unfamiliar environment. So, if you’re holding your cat in a place they’ve never been before, they may start meowing as a way of expressing their anxiety.

Some cats simply enjoy the sound of their own voice and like to meow for no particular reason. If your cat starts meowing when you hold them and there doesn’t seem to be any specific reason for it, they might just be enjoying the sound of their own voice.

Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them?

Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them? 5 Reasons

Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them 5 Reasons
Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them 5 Reasons

1. Your Cat Needs Something From You

One of the most common reasons why cats meow when you hold them is because they need something from you. It could be that they’re hungry or thirsty, or they might need you to open a door for them.

If your cat starts meowing as soon as you pick them up, it’s likely that they’re trying to tell you something. Pay attention to their body language and see if you can figure out what they need.

If you think your cat is meowing because they’re hungry, try giving them a small snack. If they’re still meowing, it could be that they’re thirsty, so offer them some water.

Once you’ve ruled out hunger and thirst, it could be that your cat just wants some attention. Try petting them or playing with them for a few minutes. If they continue to meow, it’s possible that they’re bored or lonely.

If you think your cat is bored, try adding some new toys or providing more opportunities for exercise. If they’re still meowing, it could be that they’re lonely and in need of companionship. In this case, consider getting another cat!

2. Your Cat Wants Love and Attention

One of the reasons your cat may meow when you hold them is that they want to love and attention. Cats are social creatures and they enjoy being around their humans. When you hold your cat, they may meow because they want you to pet them or give them some love.

3. Your Cat Needs Food or Water

One of the most common reasons why cats meow when you hold them is that they are hungry or thirsty. If your cat is meowing while you are holding them, try giving them some food or water.

Cats typically need around 2-3 ounces of water per day. You can offer your cat water in a bowl or from a water bottle designed for cats.

As for food, most cats need around 1/3 to 1/2 a cup of dry food per day. You can offer your cat wet food as well, but make sure it is high quality and does not contain any fillers or artificial ingredients.

If your cat is still meowing after you have given them food and water, they may be meowing for another reason.

4. Your cat is in pain

If you notice that your cat is meowing more when you hold them, it could be a sign that they are in pain. Cats can’t tell us when they’re hurting, so meowing may be their way of trying to communicate that something isn’t right.

If you think your cat is in pain, take them to the vet as soon as possible. There could be an underlying health condition causing the pain, and it’s important to get it treated.

Cats can also meow more when they’re feeling stressed or anxious. If you think this might be the case, talk to your vet about ways to help reduce your cat’s stress levels.

5. They’re bored or lonely

One reason your cat may be meowing when you hold them is that they’re bored or lonely.

Cats are social creatures and need stimulation to stay happy and healthy. If you’re not providing enough stimulation for your cat, it may start to meow more frequently in an attempt to get your attention.

There are a number of ways you can provide stimulation for your cat. You can try playing with them more often, providing them with new toys or puzzles to keep their mind active, or even just spending more time petting and cuddling them.

If you think your cat is meowing because they’re bored or lonely, make an effort to spend more time with them each day. This will help to reduce their stress levels and keep them from becoming too anxious or depressed.

Check Discussion On Quora: Why Do Cats Meow When You Hold Them?


If your cat starts meowing when you hold them, don’t be alarmed — it’s perfectly normal behaviour. In fact, there are a few reasons why your cat might do this, and none of them is cause for concern. So the next time your cat starts meowing when you pick them up, just remember that they’re probably trying to tell you something. And if you’re ever unsure about what your cat is trying to say, just ask your veterinarian — they’ll be happy to help you figure it out.

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