5 Reasons Why Do Cats Sleep When You Sleep?

Cats need approximately 16 hours of sleep every day, just like humans do. When you lay down to take a nap, your cat will often hop up onto your bed and curl up next to you. The article has 5 reasons why is it that cats sleep when you sleep.

Why Do Cats Sleep When Their Owner Sleep?

There are many reasons why cats sleep when you sleep. One of the most likely reasons is that cats are naturally nocturnal animals. This means that they are more active at night and sleep during the day.

Since most people are asleep at night, it makes sense that your cat would want to sleep when you do. This gives them a chance to rest and recuperate from their busy night of hunting and playing.

Another reason why cats sleep when you sleep is that they see you as their protector. When you are asleep, your cat knows that you are there to keep them safe from harm. This makes them feel comfortable and secure, which leads to a good night’s sleep.

Finally, cats may sleep when you sleep because they enjoy your company. They know that you provide them with food, water, and shelter, so they appreciate being near you. Plus, sleeping next to you gives them a chance to cuddle and be close to someone they love.

5 Reasons Why Do Cats Sleep When You Sleep?

5 Reasons Why Do Cats Sleep When You Sleep
5 Reasons Why Do Cats Sleep When You Sleep

Here are the Five reasons Why Do Cats Sleep When You Sleep, so let’s explore them!

1. Cats are nocturnal animals

Cats are nocturnal animals, so they naturally sleep during the day. However, cats also like to sleep when their humans are sleeping. There are several reasons why cats like to sleep next to their humans.

2. Cats like to be close to their owners

Cats like to be close to their owners and feel their warmth. When you sleep, your body temperature drops slightly and this makes cats feel comfortable.

Cats also like to hear the sound of your heartbeat. When you are asleep, your heartbeat is slower and this can have a calming effect on cats.

Sleeping next to you also gives cats a sense of security. They know that you are there to protect them and they feel safe.

3. Cats sleep when they are bored

One of the reasons cats sleep when you sleep is because they are bored. When you are asleep, there is not much for them to do. They may be used to sleeping during the day, so when you are asleep at night, they have nothing else to do but sleep.

4. Cats sleep to conserve energy

One reason is that cats sleep to conserve energy. When cats are awake, they use a lot of energy to move around, play, and hunt for food. Sleeping helps them to save energy so that they can be ready for whatever comes next.

Kittens sleep more than adult cats

1. Kittens need more sleep than adult cats because they are growing and developing. They need a lot of energy to grow, so they spend a lot of time sleeping.

2. Adult cats sleep more than kittens because they don’t need as much energy. They conserve their energy by sleeping more.

3. Cats sleep when you sleep because they are attracted to your warmth and your smell. When you are asleep, you are not moving around and making noise, so it is a safe time for them to be close to you.


If you’ve ever wondered why your cat seems to sleep when you sleep, there could be a few reasons behind it. Maybe they’re trying to stay warm, or maybe they’re just trying to stay close to you.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that cats enjoy sleeping with their humans. If you’re looking for a new bed buddy, consider getting a cat – they make great Sleeping Companions!

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